How is Placer County Child Support Calculated?

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Firm News |

In Placer County, the court calculates a party’s child support obligations utilizing a special mathematical formula mandated by California state law.  This formula is complicated and laid out in painstaking detail in Family Code §4055 and the surrounding codes.

Because most judges, lawyers, and parties in Placer County child support cases find the formula difficult to navigate, there are several California Judicial Council approved computer software programs including X-Spouse and DissoMaster.  These programs help Placer County child support judges and attorneys input income and certain approved expenses into the calculation to estimate child support obligations.  It is important to make sure that the correct support calculation programs are used, and that the correct updated versions of the calculation programs are used.  Thus using unapproved or estimation programs from websites, even official California websites, to calculate your support obligation is risky.

If you are involved in a Placer County child support case, and you want assistance in properly calculating your support obligation or your ex-partner’s child support obligation, please give us a call.  We can help you analyze the income of both partners.  Please give our Placer County child support attorneys a call today for your free half hour consultation.