We’ve all seen movies or heard stories of ugly, combative and costly divorces. While every divorce comes with a certain level of divisiveness as spouses attempt to negotiate and come to an agreement about important matters related to child custody, assets and personal belongings; that doesn’t mean a couple needs to turn to a judge to make these decisions.
The two people who were actually in a marriage have intimate knowledge of important matters that may influence important divorce decisions. For spouses who simply drifted apart and fell out of love, having a judge decide important matters that will impact their lives and those of shared children may seem unnecessary and undesirable. For these couples, a collaborative divorce is likely a better option.
Through the collaborative law process, an individual is able to sit down and communicate directly with a soon-to-be ex-spouse. Through the collaborative process, spouses are ideally able to discuss and come to an agreement about everything from child custody to who gets to keep a beloved piece of art or furniture. The process only works, however, when both spouses are committed to making it work and want to avoid litigation.
Both spouses still hire respective divorce attorneys who are present to answer questions and offer guidance during discussions and negotiations. The collaborative divorce model ultimately provides divorcing spouses more control over their current and future fates. In turn, feelings of animosity and resentment towards an ex-spouse are likely to be diminished allowing both to move forward and effectively co-parent together or start a new chapter in life.