Finding a way to work out your divorce agreement outside of court can be beneficial for everyone. It puts you in control and allows you and your spouse to work through everything on your own terms.
To have this opportunity, you may want to take advantage of mediation. Mediation will require securing a mediator. You and your spouse will need to choose this person.
Choosing the mediator
Choosing the mediator is like a trial run for the rest of the process. If you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on this matter, then it could foreshadow issues with using mediation to reach a settlement. If you find you both can easily agree on a mediator, then that is a good sign you will find the negotiations and compromises within the mediation process also easier to accomplish.
You and your spouse must agree on who will be your mediator. This person has to be a neutral third party. He or she can have no interest in your situation and no relationship of any type with either of you.
Finding a mediator
If you have never had to go through mediation, you may feel lost as to how to find a mediator. Luckily, they are not too difficult to find. You can contact the court and ask for referrals. You can also check with the bar association or other legal organizations. Your attorney may also be able to provide you with resources to find a mediator. You can also search online. There are plenty of ways to find mediators.
Make sure you and your spouse review the mediator options and come to an agreement together. It needs to be a joint decision so that neither of you feels the other picked the mediator.