When a divorce threatens to take away everything, many people in California look for any way possible to retain what is rightfully theirs. Keeping as much of their retirement as possible is a top priority for many people. Because retirement plans are strongly affected...
High-Asset Divorce
Do I need a forensic accountant?
An equitable divorce depends upon accurate accounting. Child support and spousal support calculations are income-based. The division of marital property requires an inventory and valuation of the parties’ assets and debts. A forensic accountant specializes in disputed...
What factors go into valuing a business?
Business valuation is an incredibly valuable thing for a variety of situations. If you are divorcing, you will need to value your business in order to handle the property division aspect of resolving your marriage. Business News Daily explains that while it is hard to...
What happens to our joint business when our marriage ends?
Ending a marriage is hard for both emotional and practical reasons. Property division may be especially complex if you and your spouse own a business together. The two of you may have difficulty deciding the fate of the business. There are many steps involved. You...
What are some of the methods used when hiding assets?
While there was surely a time when you trusted your spouse implicitly, those days may be long by the time you decide divorce is your best option. Issues of distrust can even expand into the divorce proceedings, if your spouse attempts to hide shared assets. Hiding...
Can social media be used against me in divorce?
Almost everybody is on some sort of social media these days. Social media is important, because it helps us keep connected with friends and family around the world we may not be able to interact with very much. However, social media has become a rich source of...
How can I learn what my family business is worth?
The value of your family business could represent a large portion of your marital assets, and it may require a professional appraisal in a divorce proceeding. The determined value could affect what you have a right to own after dissolving your marriage. Your...
What happens to my pension during a divorce?
Property division is a complicated matter in most divorces but can be even more so when you have multiple large assets. For example, you may have more than one house or multiple retirement plans to hash out between you and your spouse. One of the most common questions...
How can I keep divorce costs low?
Particularly if you are looking at a high-asset divorce, it is important to keep finances in mind. While many people are very concerned with the dollar amounts associated with child support and alimony, the actual price tag attached to divorce can be quite high on its...
Staying friends with your ex after divorce
When it comes to divorce, there are various factors to consider. Sometimes, people have very difficult divorces, while others are able to end their marriage on relatively good terms. In fact, some people even remain friends with their ex for years after the marriage...