In Placer County child custody and visitation cases between spouses, a question one of the parties may ask is whether they can continue to have visitation with their spouse’s child from a prior relationship (their “stepchild”). In a typical situation, the party asking about step-child visitation has developed a bond with their spouse’s other child during marriage. Now that the party’s marriage or relationship with their spouse is ending, they want to continue seeing their stepchild and they do not want their spouse to bar visitation.
California law does permit some types of step-parent visitation.
The Placer County child custody court will have to evaluate whether the parent’s request for step-parent visitation is in the child’s best interest. Also, the Placer County child custody court will have to evaluate how the request for visitation affects the child’s visitation rights with both biological parents.
If you are a step-parent involved in a divorce or ending relationship with your stepchild’s natural parent, and you want to continue having visit your stepchild, please give us a call today. We can help you understand the Placer County child custody process and your potential claim for step-parent visitation. We offer free half-hour consultations with experienced Placer County child custody and visitation attorneys.