One of the more painful issues in Sacramento Family Law is the payment of child support and the financial consequences for failure to pay child support. California child support law clearly states that both parents have a duty to support their child to the best of their financial abilities. In setting child support payment responsibility, the court uses a guideline computer calculator that considers both parents’ gross monthly income from all sources, a few expenses such as health insurance costs, union dues and unreimbursed work expenses, and the visitation timeshare each parent has with the children.
Once Sacramento child support is set, it is important to make sure the amount is paid timely every month.
In Sacramento County and the rest of California, there can be severe consequences for failing to pay your child support obligations and accumulating unpaid arrearages. The parent owed the child support can ask Sacramento Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) to enforce the unpaid support order and collect the child support arrears. DCSS has a variety of methods including but not limited to: wage garnishments, interception of tax refunds, suspension of vehicle and business licenses and even criminal referrals to the district attorney.
Whether you owe child support arrears and are concerned whether the order is correct, or you are to receive child support but are not being paid, you should strongly consider hiring a Sacramento child support attorney. Please consider giving us a call. We are experienced child support attorneys and we can discuss your legal rights under California law in a free half-hour attorney consultation.