In an increasingly mobile society, it can be hard to decide in which jurisdiction to pursue a divorce. If you just moved to Sacramento, and you need to pursue a divorce, you should consider a few things. First, it may not be to your advantage to file for divorce in California.
If you were previously a resident of a different state, you should consult with an attorney in that state as well as with an attorney in California in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each jurisdiction’s laws.
Second, if you wish to pursue a divorce in Sacramento, you must be a California resident for 6 months before you can file a petition for divorce. You must also be a resident of Sacramento County for 3 months in order to file a petition for divorce. Many times, parties feel that they cannot wait for this long. In such cases parties can file a petition for a judgment of legal separation and later amend to a petition for divorce after the 6 month residency is established. Failure to follow all jurisdictional filing rules can have serious consequences for your case.
If you just moved to Sacramento, California, and are interested in pursuing a judgment of divorce, please give us a call. If you are also interested in filing a petition for legal separation to start the process early, please give us a call. We can help you understand the divorce laws in Sacramento and discuss your procedural and jurisdictional options in a free half-hour attorney consultation.