If you and your estranged spouse have accumulated significant assets during your marriage, the complexities involved in your divorce’s property division may necessitate the involvement of a team of experts. This is applicable whether you are the spouse with the higher net worth or the lower one, and it will be important that you assemble a team that is best equipped to protect your interests and rights.
High-net worth divorces normally involve a wide variety of assets and holdings. You might have retirement accounts, significant real estate holdings, offshore accounts, business interests, stocks and other investments, all of which will need to be carefully evaluated. Determining the portion of each that is the community property of both spouses as well as that which is separately held may be very difficult.
You should be prepared with forensic accountants, business and estate valuation experts, retirement account experts and real estate appraisers, all of whom should be practiced in complex property division matters. It is highly important that you arrive at a good understanding of the value of all held assets and accounts in order to best protect your interests and rights. The discovery rules may also seem daunting, but you will need to navigate them in order to locate assets that might otherwise be hidden from view.
Our attorneys are practiced in assisting our high-asset divorce clients with their property division matters. Whether we represent the higher- or lower-net worth spouse, we always begin with a team of experts to assist in the process. We uncover hidden assets in order to protect our clients’ rights by using tools such as depositions, subpoenas and others. High-net worth divorces have a degree of complexity not present in other divorce cases. If you have questions about what to expect, you might find our high asset divorce page helpful.