On Sept. 18, actor David Hasselhoff reportedly asked a California judge to end the alimony payments he was required to make to his ex-wife. He had reportedly been making monthly payments of $21,000 to his ex-wife from 2006 to 2016 when those payments were cut down to $10,000 a month. They were married for 16 years before getting divorced.
In 2016, Hasselhoff requested that his monthly alimony payments be lowered due to the fact that he had less than $4,000 in liquid assets. At the time, he was reportedly worth about $1.79 million, but the assets were tied up in real estate, cars and jewelry, among other things.
In the court documents, Hasselhoff claimed that his ex-wife has been living off the alimony payments and has not been making an effort to become self-supporting. Hasselhoff said that, at his age, he should be preparing for retirement and having to continue to work just to support his ex-wife. As a result, he was hoping to put a stop to the alimony payments he was required to pay altogether.
When a couple ends their marriage, one person may be required to pay the other spousal support, especially if the other person stayed home to raise the children and take care of the home. However, circumstances can change, making it much more difficult for a person to continue making those alimony payments. If a person experiences a loss of work, medical problems or other situations that could result in a lower income, a family law attorney could return to court to request that the judge lower the monthly spousal support payments. The attorney may provide evidence of the change in circumstances, including income statements and other financial documents.