California fans of reality TV stars Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel may have heard that Ravenel was taken into custody on Sept. 25. He is facing charges of second-degree assault and battery, and according to one source, they are related to the sexual assault allegations of a former nanny.
In response, Dennis has filed for a modification of their child custody and visitation agreement. The two share custody of their 4-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son although at one point, Dennis lost custody because of drug use. In 2016, she entered rehab, and she was able to get custody again after two years of passing random drug tests.
In addition to the allegations of the former nanny, a woman Ravenel met on Tinder several years ago has also accused him of assault. Ravenel’s former attorney, who was later killed in a plane crash, denied the charges and said that Ravenel’s fame made him a target for such accusations.
Child custody negotiations may be the most difficult element of divorce for some parents, and they can be even harder for a parent who is concerned about the child’s safety with the other parent or for a parent who is denied access to the children. Although courts usually try to make arrangements that allow children time with both parents, they will make an exception if the child is not safe. This might be because of abuse, neglect or substance abuse. Parents who are worried about their children’s safety or who are denied access to their children may want to consult an attorney. A parent who wishes to regain custody of a child should follow any court-ordered actions such as going to rehab or attending parenting classes.