Your behavior during a divorce may not be representative of the marriage you shared with your soon-to-be-ex. But in the unfortunate scenario where you do act out on negative emotions, an outburst may jeopardize your marital stakes.
As Forbes points out, displays of hostility — in public spaces or on social media — may provide fodder for your spouse to exploit in the divorce agreements.
You risk your property
Cleaning out the closet and showing off your partner’s skeletons to their family or place of work can damage their reputation. Whether this is the goal or not, it may have an effect on their employment status. If you humiliate your spouse and their place of work terminates them, they could have a case that they need spousal support or better terms for themselves to maintain their standard of living.
You risk your children
The courts decide custody agreements based on the best interests of the children. In such a tense environment like divorce, your behavior during the process may affect how the court perceives your ability to rear your kids. If you harass your spouse in front of your children or if your spouse has negative dirt on you in the form of emails or texts, you may lose more control as a parent due to the negative light.
You risk your mental health
Divorce is already taxing on your mental reserves. Blowout arguments and days of constant sniping only wear on them further. Keeping a lid on your own emotions may lead to a smooth transition from an unhappy marriage to a pleasant separation.
Asking you to not be angry during a divorce is unreasonable, but keeping things under control in front of your partner, the courts and social media may help you come out of this angry moment better.