Retirement Orders
When it comes to handling the division of retirement accounts, benefits and other assets, it’s imperative to hire attorneys with a keen eye for financial matters. As business owners with experience handling a variety of complex financial matters, we confidently guide clients through their property and asset division issues during divorce.
Clear Explanations To Help Make Intelligent Financial Decisions
At Miller & Associates, Attorneys LLP, we believe that our clients deserve options when trying to divide their assets. By promoting flexibility and cooperation, our methods allow all parties to come away feeling satisfied with the terms of their agreement. In some cases, this could mean advising a spouse to surrender his or her interest in the marital home in exchange for keeping his or her retirement benefits intact.
No matter the circumstances of your divorce, we can help you determine if the division of your retirement accounts may be used as effective bargaining tools in divorce settlement negotiations.
Some of the most common retirement accounts our lawyers see include:
- IRAs
- 401(k)s
- State teachers’ retirement plans (whether governed by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) or other plan administration rules), including 403(b)s.
- Public pensions
- Military pensions
- Private pensions
Procedures And Processes During California Property And Asset Division
We are well-qualified and highly experienced in all processes and aspects of dividing retirement assets at the time of a divorce, including the following (these may vary depending on the type of retirement account in question):
- Notification to the retirement plan administrators
- Filing of pleadings in court
- Evaluating plan descriptions
- Serving notice on wife or husband
- Reviewing and changing, if possible, beneficiaries, alternate payees and survivor benefit provisions
- QDRO (qualified domestic relations order)
To learn more about retirement plans, contact our Rocklin, Granite Bay and Folsom law offices by dialing 916-780-0848. You may also send us an email via our online contact form.